me’kono is starting to roll – site stats for september/oktober

me’kono started to kick in and is generating interest in the scientific community. To give you a idea how me’kono is performing, here are some statistics for mid-september to mid-oktober (15.09.11 – 15.10.11) period:

We welcomed 502 unique visitors, how read about 1,079 pages in total. The far largest group of visitors are english speaking (59%) – at least according to their browser request language. The most people came from the United States, although here the differences are very small (US: 10.5%, IN: 9.8%, UK: 6.4%).

What could be more important for conference organisors sighting up with me’kono are figures regarding submission and registration: from the 502 unique visitors, 33 went for additional information to the conference pages linked, 13 registered to the conference and 15 submitted either an abstract or a full paper. After considering the bounce rate, this means that about 1/3 of our visitors to a page actually engage in some manner with the enlisted conference.

And yes, I almost forgot it: by 15 October, me’kono had 112 upcoming conferences listed – and we are adding more day by day!

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