one month later: me’kono lists more than 100 academic institutions

August passed by fast, but the crew at me’kono did not waste too much time: we are now listing more than 100 academic entities and research institutions! – and most of them organise a conference. So plenty of choice already here!

The 100th institution happened to be the University of Porto or ‚Universidade do Porto‘. Although not the oldest, it is the largest and best ranking university in Portugal. R&D seems quite fruitful since the university’s members are responsble for 20 % of all Portugiese papers published. By coincidence the Universidade do Porto celebrated 100th birthday this year – so congrats to you guys! Porto is a beautiful city with lots of history, a unique atmosphere and of course the great desert wine is produced there. So, definitely worth a visit.

What else happened in the mean time? After releasing the first version of the plattform me’kono some bugs and misconceptions are removed now and i hope the website got more userfriendly. We especially focused on enhancing the locations section. We hope you like it.

At the moment some internal optimisations are the main focus. And, at the end of September we will introduce some new features for the conference pages. So stay tuned & any feedback very much welcome!


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